Experiences prior to Kardali Van yatra/pilgrimage

It started with one of us Mohan, who first got the desire of visiting Kardalivanam when he read a book about it. He expressed himself to us (Pramod and Harshad). We immediately gave consent. It was on paper to visit Kardalivanam in December 2014 almost after 6 months. Few months just passed without any thoughts of it. We never have any idea about what the Almighty plans for us. We think that everything that happens maybe controlled by us. We decide our destiny, it is not completely true. Very few can understand that as they choose to. One day, by the blessings of Sadguru, I was visited by somebody beyond imagination. It was like a day dream to me. Lord Datta Guru appeared in front of me and said to me, “Come to Kardalivanam, I will meet you there and to all those who will come with you.” This flash moved me so much that I didn't want to leave that sight. How can one leave it when you are getting to witness expressions of God! And these expressions came with an invitation – Invitation of God.

Sign of Lord Datta Guru’s visit to us:
By the sight narrated above, I was in a fix that how Lord Datta Guru will meet us? He gave an instance: Someone would meet us in journey to Kardalivanam and put TILAK on our or my forehead.

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