
What a Yatra is? What we should have learnt from this visit? What we didn’t? Kardalivanam as we know is a place of Lord Datta Guru. We call him Lord, we call him Guru. Why? For most of us, life presumably is a span from since we take birth and till we die. We have names, we make our own identities. We want others to know that I am this, I am that. What worth it is? The body breaths, speaks, smells, tastes, eats, excretes etc. What then? The mind thinks, innovates, creates, helps and what more? Let us introspect! We started our journey with a thought accompanied by an invitation right from The Supreme. We were not sure that we would be able to do the journey so smoothly. Mind was creating hurdles which were never there. One who invites arranges everything in place. When somebody invites us for visit or food at his/her home, the host makes it sure that everything is in place before we reach there. Do we think before going there that whether the host has arranged everything or not. We just rely on the host and move there in time and enjoy the visit. Then why do we have doubts and objections before the journey to Kardalivanam, whether we would get there in time, whether we would get food, shelter, proper guide, security, weather etc. Once we are invited, everything is arranged. We just need to go there. So why do we have doubts. Doubt is a gap, a distance between us and Sadguru. What fills the gap is 'Trust'. The same trust we show towards the host who invites us at his home. In fact there we don’t think at all about all this. This is trust. When you don’t need to think about it, means you trust. Mind will think. Let it do its job. You do yours. Go and eat and sleep and roam and come back. It is that simple. Right? Sadguru says yes!!!

Life is a journey. We all have been given a vehicle called body to sail through the space of this physical world. A world where everything is a reflection of what you think. You think of Kardalivanam, you will go there. You think of tigers in Kardalivanam, you will see them, you think of problems in Kardalivanam, you will get them, you think of Sadguru in Kardalivanam, you will see him. So what do you want to think? Once this world is open for you, you start your journey, you don’t know where to go, you just walk. The body feels that it is the sole owner and wanders around to seek its goals set by itself or somebody familiar to it. It is called material goal or more specific – a virtual goal. Boy, here is the conflict – do you realize? Think, think and think again. What do you mean by your journey is successful? Most of us go to pilgrimage and bow to our deities, spend some time there. And we come back to our homes. We distribute the Prasad. We say the tour was successful. Is that really? We went to Kardalvanam. We did all things, bowed to Sadguru. We confirmed his visit to us and our visit to his place, peacefully came back to home. We succeeded in what? The body succeeded. We didn’t. Why? Ask Sadguru, he will definitely answer it to you. Was the tour a material goal or a pathway to purity for you? Questions and questions are standing in our ways. We don’t want answers to them. Because we want only what we want. We don’t want change. Very unfortunately I have to say this – we don’t want Sadguru. We are selfish. We want God to do everything for us but we don’t want him. So what’s the sign of wanting him? When the tour/journey is successful?? It starts with a thought that why he invited us??? Let us introspect again. All of us are devised with free will to do anything. You do the journey of life to reach to something or you just do it. You learn many things on the way. Some you like, some you don’t. The likes make you feel happy and the dislikes make you feel grief. And few things you never understand are to be liked or not to be liked. You are confused there. Well get out of it, you have Sadguru to take you out. All of us like the Jungles and to stay in them so liked Kardalivanam. But we had doubts as it is a tiger reserve. How to stay at night, thought of safe night stays so carried all things that are needed for night stay. So we can’t say whether we really like Jungles or not. Confused state it is. So, Sadguru came and invited and arranged everything for us right from food to shelter to guide to rides. What we learnt, nothing. Why? Does any one of us got rid of any Avgunas inside of us? NO, a BIG NO! None of us took anything good or left anything bad from this tour. We just have memories of the tour and feel good that we did it. No thoughts of why he did all this for us. Selfish!!! I feel tears in my eyes while writing this because I know what he wanted us to do and all of us denied it flatly. We are just discussing our divine or ordinary experiences not the lessons and their executions in our lives. We are blunt people, not even worth for such experiences. Oh God bless us all again and make us visit you again so that what all we missed can be retracted from you. Harsh words but true.

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